Wednesday 5 June 2013

Denimbuyer Ltd- Episode 1...

Aloha!! How are you all this fine sunny day??.. I am still in the garden, though don't worry, i have moved since my last update, in fact its been a very busy 2 weeks.
Firstly, there was Paris.. Denim PV to be exact, a great chance to catch up with the industry gossip, meet up with old friends, new friends and of course Party on a boat until the wee hours!.. Its official, I am too old for hangovers.. its been over a week and I am still recovering! I blame Alberto & Jose.. enough said on that!

Denim PV was interesting, there were a lot of new faces exhibiting, even with 2 full days I did not get to talk to everyone. Its great to get fresh blood in the arena so to speak, although I have my favourites and I am a firm believer in loyalty. There is a big watch this space, lets see who lasts and pops up again in December, Good Luck to the newbies.

I have had plenty of interest in Denimbuyer Ltd which is awesome! I am targeting customers and brands who inspire and are happy to throw away the rule books and push the product to the extremes. The next few months are going to mostly be busy, happy and creative... What a relief!!